Governor Rendell Proclaims October as Cyber Security Awareness Month

Press Release

Date: Oct. 1, 2009
Location: Harrisburg, PA

Governor Edward G. Rendell has proclaimed October as "Cyber Security Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania and urges citizens to take steps to stay safe online while at home and work.

"Pennsylvania is committed to protecting citizens' information and privacy," said Governor Rendell. "The Internet has become part of everyday life. Everyone shares responsibility for keeping cyberspace safe."

Last year, Pennsylvania was recognized as one of the 10 most digitally advanced state governments by the Center for Digital Government. Pennsylvania is also a recognized leader in cyber security issues. In 2007, Pennsylvania's information security architecture program was one of only 11 state information technology initiatives recognized for outstanding achievement by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers.

Highlights of Pennsylvania's information security program include:

• Security policies for data encryption, privacy roles and acceptable use;
• Identity protection and access restrictions;
• Assessments to verify system configuration, documentation accuracy, and staff expertise;
• Technologies to ensure all commonwealth agencies consistently deploy security programs;
• Cyber security drills; and
• Security awareness education for employees.

"We think it's important to set a high standard," said Brenda Orth, the state's chief information officer. "Pennsylvania has recently applied for more than $100 million to expand broadband service statewide. Business, health and educational institutions will be better able to serve our citizens with this capacity. But more data and more connections can also translate into greater vulnerabilities. Everyone--the private sector, nonprofit partners, educational and health institutions, government and even citizens just surfing the Web--can play a part in making the Internet safer."

Orth offers these tips to citizens:
• If you work with data, make sure to be aware of and follow the cyber security policies of your workplace.
• Never respond to unsolicited e-mails that ask for personal information. Such emails often use legitimate "From:" addresses, well-known logos or links to reputable businesses in their messages. Some may ask for personal information such as name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, passwords, etc.
• Never open anything from an unknown source. If you do not recognize the sender's name, don't open the email. If you recognize the name but the contents appear questionable, delete the message right away.
• Never click on links or attachments from unknown sources.
• Never click on a link that only has an IP address. An IP address typically contains a series of numbers divided by periods and takes the user directly to another computer. They often look something like this: http://123.456.78.910/main.html.
• Never run, copy, install, or download programs or plug-ins from unknown sources.


October 2009

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's citizens, schools, libraries, businesses and other organizations use the Internet for a variety of tasks, including maintaining contact with family and friends, managing personal finances, performing research, enhancing education and conducting business; and

WHEREAS, critical sectors are increasingly reliant on information systems to support financial services, energy, telecommunications, transportation, utilities, health care and emergency response systems; and

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was recognized as one of the 10 most digitally advanced state governments in the nation by the Center for Digital Government's 2008 Digital States Survey, a comprehensive biannual review of digital solutions and best practices; and

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has applied for $108 million in federal funds available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to expand high-speed Internet service to people, institutions and communities throughout Pennsylvania--an investment that will boost the state's economic development and education systems for years to come; and

WHEREAS, Internet infrastructure faces an increasing threat of malicious cyber attack, loss of privacy, identity theft and fraud; and

WHEREAS, maintaining the security of cyberspace is a shared responsibility in which government has a critical role and awareness of computer security essentials will improve the security of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's information infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's information security architecture program was one of only 11 state information technology initiatives recognized for outstanding achievement in information technology by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers; and

WHEREAS, the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center was established to provide a collaborative mechanism for states and local governments--including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania--to enhance their cyber security policies and programs; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ( , the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (, the National Cyber Security Alliance ( and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers, ( have declared October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month; and all citizens are encouraged to visit these sites, along with to learn about cyber security and put that knowledge into practice in their homes, schools, workplaces and businesses.

THEREFORE, I, Edward G. Rendell, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2009 as CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS MONTH.

GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Governor, and the City of Harrisburg, on this twenty-second day of September in the Year of our Lord two thousand and nine, and of the commonwealth the two hundred and thirty-fourth.

Edward G. Rendell
